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Add pathways to your landscape and save your lawn!

Recently, a reader asked me what to do about some well worn patches across her lawn. It seems that her family continues to "beat a path" across a particular area, despite her gentle requests, more forceful suggestions and downright threats! I started to think of various types of tough, resistant grass or ground cover. And then it struck me. Why fight it? Go with the flow! There is probably a very good reason why her family continue to take this particular route. Maybe it's the most convenient way to reach the garage, the shed that houses the bikes and lawnmower or the basketball net...

Crow Village in Montevallo, Alabama Hopes to Grow Its Own Community Garden

A quick scan of “housing authority community garden success” returns dozens of articles about devoted individuals who have grown community as well as food to sustain citizens in towns and cities nationwide. Many of these gardens first took root over twenty years ago, some are only in their second season, and others are in the concept stage. Crucial to the success of each of these gardens, though, is the feeling of investment and ownership the residents’ feel and rightly claim in regards to their tiny farm plots, the big work they do to cultivate them, and the fruits, vegetables, and...

Best Gardening Trends for Your Garden

This year see how these best gardening trends are directly related to the economy and weather factors. The United States is seeing one of the largest shifts in how people garden and how homeowners are landscaping their yards. With smaller yards , American gardeners are becoming more creative in the limited space that they call their own. While the rest of the world has gardened in small spaces for centuries, we are just learning some of their secrets to making small work. Our best gardening trends to use in your garden this year are: Incorporating small fruiting plants into regular...

Planting Small Fruiting Plants within the Landscape an Age Old Idea

What do Europeans know that we, Americans, don't? Well, they've been planting fruiting plants right alongside shrubs and perennials for centuries. It's time we followed suit and did the same. The average American home should be able to incorporate 3 to 6 blackberry or raspberry plants . Taller growing blueberry shrubs make a good choice as a hedge. Strawberry plants can be planted in unused open areas and make a great substitute for growing grass . Cheryl Jones, owner of Greenwood Nursery , notes, "I've been promoting the European concept of planting small fruiting plants within the...

A berry good time to select delicious fruiting plants

With the Holidays and the Winter Solstice behind us and the days slowly but surely growing longer as we head towards spring, we can start to enjoy mental images of gardens and landscapes alive with colors and aromas where now we see only bleak soil and dry branches! Colors and aromas satisfy two of our senses – sight and smell. But why stop there when you can add taste to the sensual mix? Include fruiting plants in your spring planting plans and you could soon, literally, be enjoying the fruits of your labor. Here are a couple of suggestions that I...

