"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

Plants Articles

Advice for growing healthy plants

Question: Do you have any advice for growing the Oregon grape holly or mahonia? Our Sunset garden guide says that it is a great plant and easy to grow, but the ones we have just seem to shrink, and the leaves get all discolored. Our creeping mahonia does somewhat better, but it still gets the muddy-looking leaves. This year it is finally getting flowers, so maybe we have a breakthrough. It will be great if it ever gets those purple berries. Thank you for your assistance, and I enjoy your newsletters. Answer: They are usually easy to grow. However they do need some sun and should get good...

American chestnut trees: on their way back

If you had given up hope of ever again gazing up at the vast leafy canopy of an American chestnut tree, take heart! The majestic tree was almost completely wiped out several decades ago by a disease and it seemed that the American chestnut had gone the way of the passenger pigeon and the dodo. However, plant scientists are working diligently to bring back the American chestnut in a stronger, disease-resistant form. The magnificent tree had been a familiar sight on the American landscape. Its timber was used for building homes and barns. The chestnuts...

Arborvitae propogation & Care

Arborvitae (Thuja) is probably one of the most popular landscape plants being used and sold today. For an evergreen, they are fast growing and quite easy to care for. Most varieties of Arborvitae grow almost perfectly with very little pruning required. However, some of the low growing varieties do need regular pruning. Rhinegold Arborvitae, a low growing evergreen that ranges in color from yellow to burnt orange. This plant is a fast grower, and very easy to propagate. It does require pruning at least once a year in order to maintain a nice shape, and the pruning is best done in the late fall...

Azalea propogation & care

Azalea is a difficult plant to explain. A member of the Rhododendron family, this diverse group of plants could make up an entire website of their own. There are over 1,000 varieties of azaleas being grown in North America. For the purpose of simplicity, I will limit my writing to two simple categories. Evergreen azaleas, and deciduous azaleas, and basic propagation of each. "Herbert Azalea", an evergreen azalea hardy enough to survive as far north as zone 4. Of the evergreen azaleas that are only a few varieties that actually do well in the north. Some of the ones that I've used with success...

10 No Fail Perennial Plants for Any Garden

Perennial plant basics are essential to landscapes of all kinds. These perennial basics should be as reliable as they are beautiful. Reliability should come in the form of disease resistance, ability to “play nice” and not become a spreading pest and ecological threat, and add to the natural beauty that exists around and outside of the area the landscape is in. There are so many wonderful perennials today that suit needs just right and make great staples, but there is of course always the cream-of-the-crop that works in every garden, under most conditions, and look great doing it. Here...

2 Ways to Incorporate Fragrant Shrubs and Perennials into the Landscape

Scent has been proven to be directly linked to special parts of the brain that stimulate memory, increase concentration, affect dreams, lower blood sugar levels, and relieve insomnia. Pleasant smells increase basic quality of life. There are plenty of fragrant shrubs and perennials perfectly suited to landscape culture that can do all of these things. On top of that, they can be useful as well in many homemade, healthy, and effective cleaning products, bath products, and in food as edible crops. Incorporating fragrant shrubs and perennials into the landscape not only offers a visual...

US Native Plants Perfectly Suited for the Landscape

In a world where people are becoming more environmentally mindful, people are approaching their landscapes with a different mindset than they have before. People are looking to create landscapes that are not only beautiful and well-kempt, but also water-wise and beneficial to local wildlife . A great place to start is by choosing plants that are native to the area you live in. US Native plants are perfectly adapted to the climate they’ve come from. They tolerate that particular climate, even thrive in it. From various soils to extreme weather- if you choose plants that...

Vinca - Fast Growing Ground Cover Plants

Periwinkle Blue Vinca Blossom
The basic purpose of ground covers in hilly areas is to bind the nutrients and water in soil and prevent the soil from getting eroded. Ground covers are grown for variety of reasons which include protection from soil erosion, protection from drought as the soil soaks water for the cover plants and to improve the aesthetic appearance of the place. This is why cover plants are not only grown in gardens but also at the road sides as well as at the entrance or the unused corner of the home. There are varieties of ground covers and one of the broadleaf fast growing evergreen ground cover...

Best Perennial Shade Plants For Your Shade Garden

Choosing the best perennial shade plants for your shade garden can sometimes be a challenging task. Many shaded areas of the landscape have moist to slightly damp soil and very little sunlight. While this will limit your selection of what plants will not only grow, but also thrive in these conditions. Select plants from this perennial plants list, and your shaded garden area is sure to become one of your favorite parts of your landscape. For shade gardens with moist soil, plant an assortment of ferns . Autumn Brilliance Ferns are evergreen with green to bronze foliage...

Wholesale Nursery Plants

Wholesale Trees Gardening is a perfect way to bring nature to your home. Earlier, it was considered a hobby, but with the passage of time, circumstances have changed and it has become a necessity. Since climatic changes have caused an imbalance in the environment, therefore, it is vital to maintain the natural balance of the environment so that peace and harmony can prevail.By making a small garden or a window box in your house will help you contribute towards balancing the environment. There are many benefits of gardening. Firstly, it helps you preserve the natural flora and fauna of a place...

The Prettiest Perennial Shrubs For Your Garden

Are you trying to find eye catching low maintenance perennial shrubs for your garden this summer? Keep reading this article where we are going to discuss all you need to know about the perennial flowers for sun which can form the backbone of any garden. Perennial shrubs play a vital role in the landscaping design of a property. These plants with their multiple stems not only give a stunning visual but also provide privacy when planted in groups. One of the reasons for the immense popularity of perennial shrubs is due to the fact that they require almost zero maintenance. Yellow perennial...

Best Perennial Plants For Any Garden

Perennial Plants are the best investment for your garden, coming back year after year, better and more impressive than the year before. Here are five hardy, easy to grow perennial plants that would add a unique personality and style to your landscape. Monarda Fireball If you’re looking for a neat little plant that has a wonderfully compact habit and is a heavy bloomer mid-summer with scarlet-red flowers, you need to take a look at Fireball, sometimes known as Bee Balm. I really like the look of the fire-red flowers that bloom from June to August. Fireball spreads...

Spring Perennial Favorites

Spring brings a plethora of much anticipated garden action that many look forward to greatly. From the blooming of the redbuds, dogwoods, and cherries, to the emergence of hellebores and columbines - spring brings lots of favorites. Along with the classic seasonal shrub, tree, and bulb favorites come our spring perennial favorites too. If you don’t have these perennials in your garden this year, adding them now will ensure you don’t miss the show next spring. Here are some of our spring perennial favorites that every gardener needs in their landscape. Peonies are old favorites, and still...

Plant These 3 Fast Growing Shrubs For An Instant Garden

Get an Instant Garden when you plant these 3 fast growing flowering shrubs. There’s nothing more rewarding than a simple action that creates a lasting, big impact. This is especially true in the garden. Fast growing flowering shrubs are the ideal solution to creating a garden that fills a lot of space in the garden. They can also put on a car-stopping show if you plan it right, and will certainly make your garden really glow. There are lots of other functions that fast growing and beautiful shrubs can perform- from windbreaks to privacy screening, fast growing shrubs will do the...

5 Best Trees for Small Gardens

When you have limited space for trees, turn to one of these 5 best trees for small gardens. Maturing approximately 30 feet tall or less with narrow or limited canopy space, smaller trees can still provide shade and protection in small landscapes. Kousa Dogwood The smaller, more compact Kousa dogwood flowers in May with white flowers against deep green foliage. Growing in full sun to part shade, the Kousa provides great fall foliage along with tiny berries. Great choice small tree for planting near sunny patios and to add an oriental touch to the landscape. ...

7 Perennial Plants That Tolerate Summer Heat

Most perennials will stress and wither as the summer temperatures begin to heat up. Growing slows as the blooms start to lose their spark. Here are 7 perennial plants that will tolerate the summer heat and shine on to fall. Phenomenal Lavender Introduced in 2012, the Phenomenal Lavender has great tolerance to heat and humidity. A strong and faster growing perennial, the Phenomenal will not only bloom continually throughout the summer, but is a worthy choice as a perennial for year round beauty. Pineapple Sage One of the most wonderfully fragrant...

Boxwood Blight - New Dreaded Boxwood Disease

Boxwood blight is a relatively new disease that ruins the appearance and health of boxwoods and pachysandras. Boxwoods are popular evergreen shrubs primarily used for hedge and border planting. Pachysandras are close relatives, but instead of growing upwards, these are evergreen ground cover plants that grow close to the ground. Boxwood blight can and does effect both of these shrubs, robbing them of their leaves and ability to fend off other types of diseases. Fungal Disease Boxwood blight is a fungal disease caused by the organism Cylindrocladium buxicola . The disease goes by several other...

Best Plants For Fall Color

Planting a well-rounded landscape includes the best plants for fall color. As summer flowering shrubs and perennials begin to fade in late August to mid September, these plants have been waiting to put on their color show. Blending an assortment of these fall color trees, shrubs and perennials into your garden or landscape settings will provide interesting early to late fall foliage. The best fall color trees are the Red Sunset Maple and Ginkgo Biloba . The Red Sunset leaves morph from green to fall red while the Ginkgo leaves become a beautiful bright yellow. ...

New Plants For Sale

Newest Plants For Sale on GreenwoodNursery.com We have updated some of our customers favorites plants with new sizes. Available now in quart sizes and looking positively gorgeous are our quart sizes in the Thuja Green Giants and the Murray Cypress . Sweetbay Magnolias have been bumped up to 4 inch pots. They have massive root systems and are currently running about 12 inches tall.

Starting a Lavender Farm

Looking to start a lavender farm ? Farmers and other property owners across the country are planting lavender farms . Let us help! Contact us at 931-668-3041 or by email ( info@greenwoodnursery.com ). We will help you determine which plants will be best to plant and how many lavender plants to plant per acre . We look forward to working with you.

The Out of This World Celestial Chestnut for Timber and Nut Production

We tend to overlook the Native American Chestnut tree , which at one point proved to be one of the most important sources of industry in the US. Before the onset of the devastating chestnut blight that destroyed most of the chestnut tree population during the great depression, the American chestnut was a very common and much loved tree throughout the east. Grown for food and harvested for ideal, rot resistant lumber, the chestnut shouldered economies in the east for hundreds of years. Today, we have blight resistant chestnut trees , and the wild chestnut population is resurging and restoring...

Buy Nut Tree Seedlings Wholesale

Greenwood Nursery is a wholesale plant nursery that specializes in propagating and growing the best nut tree seedlings for other nurseries to field plant or bump up into larger containers. We offer our nut tree seedlings as small as 2.5 inch pots to quarts, one gallon and three gallon plant sizes. We use RootMaker® pots for several steps of their growth. Call 931-668-3041 or email us ( info@greenwoodnursery.com ) for availablility. We also contract grow plants .

Lavender Wholesale For Lavender Farms

We are now booking lavender plants for spring shipping. Order early to not be disappointed. Some lavender plants are still available for immediate shipping in one gallon and the smaller 3.5 inch pot sizes. Contact us with the varieties and quantities you need to plant for your lavender farm. Lavender Plants at Wholesale Prices!

Best Houseplants To De-Stress Your Home And Purify The Air

Getting Everything In Proper Balance The right kind of plants in your home can change its whole character, making it more refreshing, and more peaceful. Still, some plants are going to be better than others. For example, cacti have a stark beauty to them. They are easy to maintain, and they’re very sharp. But some of the most beautiful flowers come from a cactus, and they can be a great window ornament. In some homes, in some communities, cactus décor is “in”. If you’ve ever been to Phoenix, Arizona, you’re going to see a lot of cacti in yards and windows. There are a few reasons for this. On...
