"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

Plants Articles

Blue River Lavender Plants

If you're looking for small growing lavender plants that will be at home in containers, then the Blue River Lavender is the one for you. The deep purple blue of the flowers are not only beautiful but fragrant.

Dwarf Pampas Grass Perfect for Small Gardens

Greenwood Nursery announces the addition of Dwarf Pampas Grass. This beautiful pampas matures at 5 to 6 feet tall with a spread of 3 to 4 feet wide, making it an excellent choice garden plant for small gardens . Pair your Dwarf Pampas Grass with Yucca plant varieties for an attractive desert or Mediterranean landscape. Wind and drought tolerant. Now booking for spring shipping.

Winterberry Shrubs Shine All Winter Long

Winterberry Shrubs are the "queens" of fruiting shrubs world when ranked for ornamental value. From early fall through winter, the branches are covered in bright-red fruits. The fruiting branches are great for decoration in the garden or in the house. These plants have multi-branches, so clipping a few doesn't take away from the appearance of your mature plants. Or leave the branches for the birds since over 40 species of birds are known to eat the fruit, including: bluebirds, brown thrashers, cedar waxwings, flickers, gray catbirds, mockingbirds and robins. The dense branching also...

Helpful Tips to Control Deer Damage and Deer Resistant Plants.

Helpful tips to control deer damage and deer resistant plants . When deer are hungry and their food supply is gone, deer will eat anything. Plants known as being deer resistant is a good step in controlling deer damage in the yard. Deer will not find them as tasty and will eat off other perennials and shrubs before attacking these varieties. In order to get the deer damage under control, it is a must to properly select deer resistant plants . Deer repellents are also a great thing to have and it should be used regularly to have best results. Area repellent emits foul odor that is good in...

How to Pick the Right Tree for Your Yard

Picking the right tree for your yard can be daunting. Garden plants will come and go in your yard, but trees are there to stay. Follow these tips for picking the right tree for your yard and you will be the new plant expert for your neighborhood. Where will the tree be planted? Near the house, garage, garden, etc? Unlike shrubs that have narrower root growth, the root system for trees expands often as far as the canopy of what the mature size of the tree will be. If you want a maple tree near your house, you’d have to remember that maple trees mature in the 50 to 70 foot height...

Bay Laurel Sicilian Sunshine

The Bay Laurel Sicilian Sunshine is a striking golden leaf bay laurel plant. As with other bay laurel varieties, the Sicilian Sunshine is hardy outdoors in zones 8, 9 and 10. However, this fragrant plant makes a great house plant that can be moved outdoors during the summer months. The perfect holiday gift for your favorite i ndoor gardener . Growing your Bay Laurel indoors: Select a well-drained container 10 to 14 inches in diameter and pot with fresh potting soil. Move to a very brightly lit area - direct sunlight is best. In winter keep within 55 to 65 degrees...

Plant California Privet for Privacy Hedges

California Privet ( Ligustrum ovalifolium ) is an evergreen flowering shrub that is commonly used for shrub borders and privacy hedges . The oval shaped dark green leaves of the fast growing shrub California Privet provide a great backdrop for the small white flowers that appear in late spring to early summer. These blooms give way to tiny black fruit that is enjoyed by birds.

Plant an Herbal Tea Garden

Plants for Your Own Herbal Tea Garden . A nice cup of hot tea and a good book (or stack of mags) is something I love to enjoy on a crisp fall evening by the fire. Wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to snip off some leaves from your own garden to brew that tea with? Here is a list of 15 plants that would make a lovely addition to any kitchen garden and be able to provide for some of that delicious tea. Whether you are fall or spring planting, be sure to incorporate several tea garden plants into your landscape from Greenwood Nursery . ...

7 Underused Plants To Add Lasting Fall Color

7 Underused Plants That Will Add Long Lasting Fall Color Into Your Landscape Year After Year: • Autumn Brilliance Ferns • Autumn Leaves Heuchera Coral Bells • Red Wall Virginia Creeper • Nandina Dwarf Firepower Evergreen Shrubs • Burning Bush Shrubs • Oakleaf Hydrangea Shrubs • Pin Oak

How to Plant Woodland Spaces with Colorful Plants That Bloom in Spring

If you have wooded areas around your home, you may be looking how to plant your woodlands spaces with colorful plants that bloom in early spring. Spring really brightens up wooded areas with lots of colors just bursting out a big “Hello!” I think that is what sparks us to want to add color to shaded areas . The artist part of us comes out wanting to splash color into our surroundings and the fun part is that it doesn’t stop with spring just as Claude Monet did at his garden in Giverny . He even planted his woodland areas with colorful plants . Monet's pond garden as well was carefully planned...

How to Plant and Grow Strawberry Plants

To plant and grow strawberry plants is an wonderful way to garden and quite easy when following just a few simple steps. Here are a few gardening tips that will get your strawberry plants off to the best possible start. Soon you will be enjoying the strawberry fruits of your labor. Strawberry plants grow best in well drained soil that has been amended with lots of organic matter. Do not plant strawberry plants in or near soil where eggplants, peppers, potatoes, raspberries, or tomatoes have grown over the past 3 to 5 years, because strawberry plants...

Plants to Plant Under Black Walnut Trees

What are plants to plant under black walnut trees ? This is a question that we at Greenwood Nursery hear quite often. It is a good question, because not all plants thrive begin planted near or under black walnut trees . Juglans nigra , commonly known as black walnut , is the largest of the twenty species of Juglans native to the United States. It easily grows to a height of 100 feet; its strong, straight trunk and magnificent canopy enhance most any landscape that has an appropriate scale for the trees massive size. It is prized by the high-end furniture market because of its uniformity...

Fall Plant Care Tips to Keep Your Garden Looking Great

Fall plant care tips can make spring clean up easier. With fall in sight, there are a few projects which need to be done to move the garden and landscape into the next season. A little planning and some late summer yard maintenance can encourage a new burst of growth and color that will last for weeks, depending on where you are located maybe months, far beyond the fall equinox . Here are ways that I extend the life of my garden : Deadhead both annuals and perennials if you have a hedge trimmer, it makes this so much easier, especially for wide spreaders such as Shasta...

Choosing Ground Cover Plants

Ground cover plants are often forgotten in garden or landscape design until a problem occurs such as erosion. For erosion issues consider evergreen ground cover plants such as vinca , ivy or wintercreeper . To add color, select flowering ground covers such as creeping phlox , climbing roses , or ground cover sedum . Typical spacing for ground cover plants is 12 to 18 inches apart. Bare root plants can be planted 6 to 8 inches apart for a quicker fill in. See box below to estimate how many plants you will need. When planting on sloped areas, use an independent sprinkler, the type that attaches...

Growing Lavender in the Garden

If you have never grown lavender in your garden or landscape, you are missing out on the most fragrant plants available. My experience with lavenders is that they are ever dedicated to making my garden a mysterious, magical wonderland and me a better person because of it. This may sound pretty far out there, but if you have lavender in your garden, you understand what I mean. We have a small sitting area on the perimeter of my garden (next to the house) where Steve and I sit looking out over our garden. I have lavender growing along the fence (its amazing as a low hedge) and in groups on the...

Rose Rosette Disease - Disease of Roses

What is Rose Rosette Disease? Rose Rosette Disease is a disease that is fatal to roses, even Knockout Rose and Drift Rose cultivars . Rose plants that have this disease will not recover. They won’t be able to “cope” with this disease either, becoming ugly and misshapen by Rose Rosette in a short amount of time. The only cure for Rose Rosette Disease is prevention. Once your roses have Rose Rosette, the only option is to destroy affected plants . What does Rose Rosette Disease Look Like? Rose Rosette Disease symtoms can look like some other rose diseases that aren’t as serious, so before you...

"My weeping cherry is weeping."

I planted a weeping cherry a few months ago and have kept it watered and fertilized with miracle gro. A couple weeks ago, I noticed it weeping sap at the base of the trunk. Since then, the small points of sap weeping have increased to about five or six. The leaves are also showing some yellowing and a few are curling. Not quite sure what to make of this. Insect damage? I would appreciate your advice. Rex in Kentuckiana Answer: I believe what you might be experiencing some type of borer problem. Bores attack at the base of a tree and begin to weaken it. You may want to get Durispan to spray...

“Complement” your plants to create color harmony

Gardeners and landscapers can learn a lot from other artists and craftsmen. For instance, think of the people who work in the picture-framing business. Take a picture to one of these experts and you can find that what might have seemed a no-brainer turns out to require a lot of thought to achieve the desired result. They’ll naturally spend some time selecting the ideal frame. But notice how much thought they put into finding the perfect mat. The mat – that beveled piece of card that serves as a border between the picture and the frame – is essential to the optimum...

“Old Fashioned” plants appeal to modern tastes

What once was old is new again. That’s a saying that can certainly be applied to the world of plants. Quite often a specific plant becomes almost universally popular. As soon as it can be seen in almost every garden, there’s a backlash and the once-popular plant drops out of the Top Forty, so to speak. But then, a new generation of gardeners and landscapers rediscover the plant and it enjoys a resurgence of popularity. Just such a plant is Dicentra spectabilis, also known as Old Fashioned Bleeding Heart . In case you haven’t seen it recently, here’s a...

300 Live oaks and a problem with Boles.

QUESTION: "We have about 300 live oak trees on our property, and almost all are covered with what I term "boles" on the leaves. Not just a few; but literally many hundreds. Do these "critters" harm the trees? Is there a cure? If so, what should we do to eradicate them?" – Len & Janice Westra ANSWER: Any insect or beetle that is foreign to the tree will harm it. You may try some of the insecticides like Sevin or Malathion. However, before you do anything, I suggest you try checking with the agricultural extension agent in your area. If it a problem you are having...

A berry good time to select delicious fruiting plants

With the Holidays and the Winter Solstice behind us and the days slowly but surely growing longer as we head towards spring, we can start to enjoy mental images of gardens and landscapes alive with colors and aromas where now we see only bleak soil and dry branches! Colors and aromas satisfy two of our senses – sight and smell. But why stop there when you can add taste to the sensual mix? Include fruiting plants in your spring planting plans and you could soon, literally, be enjoying the fruits of your labor. Here are a couple of suggestions that I...

A dose of Epsom salts can help lilac bush to flower

QUESTION: “I have a lilac bush that is about ten years old and about five to five-and-a-half feet tall. I think it had one flower a few years ago. The main trunk is about one inch in diameter. It is situated quite close to an evergreen tree. What is wrong with this bush that it won’t flower? Is there anything I can do to promote flowers for next year?” – Helen Eckert ANSWER: Try putting one tablespoon of Epsom salts into one gallon of water. Water the bush with the solution to soaks the roots when dormant in late October. Then do it again just before it leafs out in the spring. I do this on a...

Is it Too Late To Plant?

Subject: a few quick questions 1. Is it too late to plant tulips, if there has already been frost? 2. It is too late to plant trees or is it better that they remain in their pots through winter and plant them in the ground in the spring? 3. Is fall too late to prune bush's, will this harm the plant? How about wild grasses, I would like to keep them more contained, rather than them grow wild, any tips for pruning them? =========================== Hello, I would think it not too late for tulips as long as you plant right away. Fall is some of the best time for planting especially potted trees...

A planting primer for trees and shrubs

Perhaps you visit a garden center or look at an online catalog and see various intriguing plants but hesitate to make the buying decision because you’re not sure about the correct planting procedure. Today, we’ll look at three ways you can buy plants (from the little guys up to the most majestic of trees) and have a quick primer on how to plant each type. Potted plants Usually, it’s the smaller plants that you can buy in pots, but you’ll sometimes find larger shrubs sold that way, and the planting procedure is the same for all of them. First of all, dig a hole approximately twice the width...

Achillea: Perennial favorite for easy, colorful gardens

You probably know certain people who are just so easy to get along with. They are popular, colorful characters. They’re great at parties because everyone likes them and they can fit in with just about any company. In fact, they’re very much like Achilleas. Achillea is one of the easiest perennials to grow and I think it’s a good choice for beginners. Pretty much all it needs is full sun and well-drained soil. It thrives in average to poor soil and is drought tolerant once established. Once the flowers have faded, you can cut the plant back by half and this will probably stimulate a second...

