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Add flair to landscape with these unusual plants

Looking for something a bit out of the ordinary to plant this fall? I have a few suggestions you might want to check out. Weigela Ghost We saw this variety in a grower’s greenhouse and had to get some for ourselves because it has the most unusual foliage we had ever seen in a Weigela. In spring the foliage starts out green then gradually changes to a ghostly iridescent buttery yellow as summer progresses. In the spring it produces deep ruby-red flowers that can last for quite a while. We found that it is best to shear it after the initial spring...

Growing Hydrangeas

Hydrangeas grow and bloom the best in morning sun with afternoon shade. Don't expect them to do well in heavy shade. The Pee Gee variety is hardy enough to grow in full sun. They prefer plenty of moisture and should be monitored for additional watering over the first and second year after planting and especially during droughts. Hydrangeas enjoy a regular fertilizing schedule. A good slow (timed) release applied 1-2 times a year will keep them happy. In zones 6-8, fertilize in May and July. For zones 5 and further north, one good fertilizing in June will work due to the shorter growing season...

