"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

Planning and Planting Small Gardens

When you don’t have the budget or inclination to do the landscaping projects you really should do, downsize. Downsize with smaller landscapes and smaller plants. Small sized gardens can be used effectively to enhance bland foundations, corners, and entrances as well as add color, fragrance and interest to patios and other sitting areas.

Small gardens use small scale shrubs and perennials. Anchor shrubs should mature around 3 to 4 feet tall and are typically placed in the back 1/3 of the area. Planting one or two evergreen shrubs makes a good base. Colorful small shrubs and shrub-like perennials are other good choices.

Small garden anchor plants:

Karley Rose, Prairie Dropseed, Karl Foerster and Adagio are some of the more striking ornamental grasses that are attractive as single specimens and can be used in lieu shrubs as anchor plants.

Plant perennials of varied heights keeping within 12 to 40 inches tall for added interest. Some of the friendliest and brightest varieties are:

  • Lo & Behold Blue Chip Buddleia
  • Lavender (Munstead, Hidcote & Kew Red)
  • Pineapple Sage
  • Walker’s Low Catmint
  • Echinacea Day Dream (yellow) & Hot Lava (orangey red)
  • Purple Dome Aster
  • Heucheras Plum Pudding & Mystic Angel
  • Gaillardias ?Arizona Sun & Burgundy
  • Monardas Fireball & Blue Stocking
  • Veronicas Red Fox & Sunny Border Blue
  • Little Spire Russian Sage
  • Hostas
  • Ferns

Small scale ground covers are the last touch for small gardens.

Select from:

Use spreading plants that have a spreading habit to fill in over several years such as:

  • Red Drift Rose and Apricot Drift Rose ?
  • Beauty Bush Dreamcatcher
  • Rudbeckia Autumn Colors
  • Moonshine Yarrow & Summer Pastels Yarrow
  • Shasta Daisy Crazy Daisy
  • Dianthus Firewitch

How to plan a small sized garden for your enjoyment:

  • Select at least one small scale shrub to anchor the garden
  • Choose 3 or more perennials in varied heights
  • Use one variety of groundcover for the front most part
  • For even more interest add a butterfly house, bird house or whirligig just off the center point

For more ideas on small sized gardens, visit Greenwood Nursery.

Waterwise Garden with small Garden Pool
