Provence Lavender Plants

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Provence Lavender Plants

Provence Lavender Plants, Lavandula x intermedia du Provence, are beautiful additions to any garden path, container, or border plant. It is a strong fragrant plant, and is long blooming. The Provence Lavender is a Lavandin variety which refers to the French hybrid lavenders commonly grown in France and cultivated for lavender oil and dried buds.

This lavender make beautiful garden plants and are a wonderful attraction for bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. The du Provence Lavender has pale blue to purple blooms, growing to two foot with a 2 foot spread.

It is easy to grow if you follow our basic instructions on the lavender category page. Provence Lavender plants thrive in dry climates, so over watering is a concern. Plant in a well drained area that in full sun.
Perfect addition to Xeric gardens and rock gardens, as well as edging, hillsides and berms. French Hybrid Lavenders are amazing bloomers beginning around mid to late spring. The Lavender du Provence is a top choice for edible buds.


Lavender du Provence is generally available in 2 sizes: 

  • Pint Pot 
  • Quart Pot 
Quantity1 - 1011 - Unlimited

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