"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

Limelight Hydrangea Bush

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Buy Limelight Hydrangea Bushes Online

Limelight Hydrangea Shrub is an exciting new hardy hydrangea from Holland. The Hydrangea Limelight has unique bright green blooms in mid-summer that holds it's bright and refreshing color right into early fall when the blooms change color to a rich deep pink. The autumn foliage display of green and pink blooms on the same plant is breathtaking! Even the fall color makes a great addition to your hydrangea garden and blends wonderfully with other colors.

Use Limelight Hydrangeas in bouquets either fresh or dried to make a unique floral design. This flowering shrub is easy to grow plant with reliable flowering and flower color regardless of soil pH or winter temperatures.

  • Drought tolerant
  • Best seller
  • Fall Interest
  • Blooms on new wood

Hydrangea paniculata Limelight (PP 12,874) flower heads are of good size, ranging from 6 to 12 inches and are held upright on the shrub. The blooms are well distributed making a very nice plant and display. It will grow 6 to 8 foot high with age. Limelight Hydrangea Bushes are easily maintained as a smaller plant or trained into a small flowering tree.


Limelight Hydrangea Shrub is available in:

  • Quart Pot
Quantity1 - 56 - Unlimited