Black Cat Salix | Black Pussy Willow

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Black Cat Salix PussyWillow - 

Some plants are adorable because they come bursting with all color and bravado when they bloom. Some of them are lovable because they hold off their own against deer and diseases. Some of them are amazing because they are the guardians of the garden. The Black Cat Salix is amazing because of its large, deep black catkins.

The black Pussy willow is a plant that thrives in the wetlands. They have long invasive roots which means you should have them far away from any kind of septic tanks. They are not deer resistant. The extra-large catkins that appear in shades of pink and silver are loved by birds and squirrels too.

The how to on growing the pussy willow is the most important side of all this.  As with other pussy willows, the Black Cat grows best in full sun. Is adaptable to most moist or wet soils. Fertilize in spring and prune after flowering. 

Large plants like the Black Cat Salix serve great as privacy screens or boundaries. They can even work as a live hedge to your yard. 

Black Cat® Salix chaenomeloides 'Lubbers Zwart' USPP 27,403, Can PBRAF

Watch the Black Cat catkins come to life in this video!


The Black Cat Pussy Willow is grown in quart size pots.

Quantity1 - 45 - Unlimited

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